Applications for Pathway 1 Funding are now open and will close on 20th March at 12pm

If you support adults to learn or develop in any way, this is for you. It does not imply a certification or qualification process or formal setting.

Taith is an international learning exchange programme established to create life-changing opportunities for people in Wales to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. It is for people in every part of Wales, and in every type of education setting.

The programme is Welsh Government funded and provides funding for projects ranging in length from a number of days to up to a year.

Taith are currently encouraging organisations who support disadvantaged or diverse communities to apply.

Diverse Cymru were lucky enough to be successful under the scheme to take a number of staff, volunteers and adult learners to Crete last summer, click here to see the short information video of the trip and its outcomes.

Pathway 1 – Mobility of participants  

This supports the physical, virtual and blended outward and inward mobility of individuals or groups of individuals, providing opportunities for flexible short and long-term mobilities to learn, work or volunteer abroad.

The programme is open to organisations and groups in Wales that work with adults. These organisations can apply for funding to enable disadvantaged people in Wales to study, train, volunteer, and work worldwide. They can also invite international partners to do the same here in Wales.

Diverse Cymru, as the Taith Champion for Adult Education, offers support to organisations who support disadvantaged communities, to apply for the Taith programme, including raising awareness, providing advice and guidance, project development support, logistical support, and ongoing support throughout the implementation of the project.

For more information, please get in touch at


Welsh Government Culture Grant Scheme for Grassroot Organisations