Armed Forces Week 2024

To mark Armed Forces Week 2024, we’re shining a light on some of our amazing colleagues who have roles within the Armed Forces alongside their positions at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, as either regulars, reservists or veterans.

This year, Armed Forces week runs from Jun 24 - 29 and is a celebration of the contributions, both past and present, of those who have served in the British Armed Forces. 

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is committed to meeting the needs of the armed forces community and are proudly part of the Armed Forces Covenant

Meet Megan Williams…  

Hi, my name is Megan and I'm a Trainee Clinical Scientist and Royal Naval Reservist. 

I'm finishing up my first year of the Scientist Training Programme (STP) in Cancer Genomics at the All Wales Medical Genomics Service. We work to identify genetic variants which predispose patients to certain cancers or make patients with cancer eligible for targeted, or personalised, therapies. Before joining CAVUHB, I studied at Cardiff University for my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences and a Masters of Research - I loved the incredible research environment I was exposed to and experiences I gained over these years but wanted to feel like I was having a greater impact on patients' lives, hence why I applied for this job. I really enjoy the variety I now have in this role and how we can be involved in the entire patient pathway from diagnosis to treatment, knowing we are really making a valuable difference.  

Whilst in university, I joined Wales University Royal Naval Unit which gave me an insight into military life and opportunities to meet new people, develop my confidence, leadership and communication, travel and gain new qualifications. I then went on to join the Royal Navy Reserves via the Accelerated Officers' Programme in 2021 where I spent eight weeks transforming from a student to an Officer and went to sea on the aircraft carrier HMS PRINCE OF WALES. Since then, I've finished my Initial Naval Training, made friends with people I would've never met otherwise, been pushed beyond limits I never knew existed, and had experiences that civilian life wouldn't have otherwise offered me, including learning to skydive and becoming a powerboat coxswain. One evening every week, after work, I head down to HMS CAMBRIA in Cardiff Bay for our training nights. These involve anything from practical leadership tasks, planning events, getting out on the water in our RHIB or coaching other Reservists.  

Being a Reservist not only enables me to step away from my desk but to take a leap outside my comfort zone and gives me a real sense of purpose and belonging - the camaraderie is unmatched and I couldn't be prouder to be a Royal Navy Reservist working in the NHS. 

Meet Catherine Peel...

Catherine works as a Senior Service Improvement Programme Manager at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and is the Regional Innovation Coordination Hub Lead. 

The Regional Innovation Co-ordination Hub is an enabler of the Regional Partnership Board’s (RPB) transformation programme, which focusses on innovation infrastructure and activity to help integrate health and care services.  
This is complemented by a specialist storytelling programme that Catherine runs within the hub that supports health and social care services to facilitate service improvement, transformation and quality.  

Catherine is also part of the Cardiff and Vale Armed Forces Network and is an Armed Forces Champion, having completed a welfare course last year.  

In the Armed Forces, she works as a Sergeant / Senior Intelligence Analyst in the British Army. 

“I have served for almost 14 years, and it’s one of the best things I have ever done. I hold a huge sense of pride through being in the Reserves and the NHS.  
“The two roles intertwine well and I regularly look to apply my learnt leadership and analytical skills to my work in the health board. It has taught me how to work in challenging situations and to stay calm under pressure.” 
“I have become a 1st Class Senior Intelligence Analyst and completed many Command, Leadership and Management courses. I have recently had the opportunity to work with NATO and have been on many overseas exercises to Cyprus, Germany and North Carolina with the US Marines.  
“My role involves a lot of current affairs and intelligence gathering, analysis and dissemination. I then use this to brief actionable intelligence to senior commanders and troops to inform their decision making. 

“I have been lucky enough to take part in the Army’s adventurous training programme over the years and have completed paragliding, canoeing and summer mountain leader qualifications. I also play netball for the Corps team and last year this took us to Spain for a week-long competition. 
“I feel I am always at the heart of what matters and that I am doing something worthwhile, whether it is for the protection of our country or our community.” 


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