Grŵp Cymraeg Ar-lein Versus Arthritis / Online Welsh Language Versus Arthritis

Dates:  Dydd Iau 1af bob mis

1st Thursday of every month 

Times: 11yb – 12.30yp

11am - 12.30pm 

Location: Cyfarfod rhithwir dros MS Teams

Virtual meeting over MS Teams 


Tel: 0800 7563970 

Nid yw cymaint o bobl yn deall sut beth yw byw gyda chyflwr a all gael effaith mor enfawr ond cudd ar ein bywyd. Mae ein grŵp cymorth cyfoedion ar-lein Versus Arthritis Cymraeg yn darparu lle diogel i rannu profiadau byw o gael cyflwr iechyd hirdymor, gan gynnwys cymorth cymheiriaid ac offer hunanreoli i fyw'n dda gydag arthritis neu gyflwr iechyd MSK. Bydd y grŵp yn cyfarfod yn rhithiol drwy MS Teams a gall ddarparu llwybr i gael gafael ar gymorth neu gyfeirio at wasanaethau eraill sydd ar gael. 

So many people don’t understand what it’s like to live with a condition that can have such a huge but hidden impact on our life. Our Versus Arthritis Online Welsh language peer support group provides a safe space to share lived experiences of having a long-term health condition, including peer support and self-management tools to live well with arthritis or an MSK health condition. The group will meet virtually via MS Teams and can provide a pathway to access support or signposting to other available services. 


WCVA State of the Sector survey


People in Wales need more opportunities to protect their mental wellbeing