Stop smoking pilot in Emergency Department proves huge success

A pilot project encouraging staff in acute and emergency departments to refer smokers to quitting services is proving a huge success.

The pilot, which began in October 2023 and will run until September 2024, aims to improve the number of patients offered support to quit smoking in the acute and emergency acute medical assessment areas in the University Hospital of Wales Cardiff (UHW) and University Hospital Llandough (UHL). 

Each month, the top referrers in the departments are awarded a ‘certificate of achievement’ and pin badge for their efforts – and the initiative appears to be paying off, with smoking cessation services seeing a significant rise in referrals. 

In November 2023 alone, the number of referrals was four times higher than the same month the year before. 

“We have already seen more referrals in 2024 than we did for the whole of last year, which is a really fantastic achievement,” said Helen Poole, Hospital Smoking Cessation Manager. “We’re now hoping that this project can be rolled out across other departments within the Health Board.” 

Currently, there are around 60,000 people who smoke across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, but only around 1.3% of those accessed specialist smoking cessation support in primary or secondary care in 2016-2017. 

Worryingly, approximately 20% of all admissions and bed days in Wales are attributable to people suffering from smoking-related diseases. 

However, evidence shows that a smoker who is offered support to quit in hospital, and continues accessing it for at least a month after discharge, significantly increases their likelihood of remaining smoke-free in the long term. 

Staff involved in the project have been able to make quick referrals via the hospital smoking cessation electronic referral mechanism which takes around two minutes to complete. In UHW the staff are directed to use the electronic White Board, but in UHL it is through the Clinical Ward Workstation system.  

Dr Nicola Hutchinson, Consultant in Acute and Respiratory Medicine, said: “Offering a patient help with smoking cessation is one of the most effective interventions a healthcare professional can make. This seemingly simple intervention is so important and we’re delighted with the increased numbers of referrals.”

On No Smoking Day on Wednesday, March 13 there will be a stand at the UHW concourse where smokers will be able to access expert quitting advice and information. There will also be tips and support for health professionals who are keen to find out more about how to raise the issue of smoking cessation with their patients or colleagues.  

When you decide to stop smoking, you don't have to go it alone. Contact the Help Me Quit Contact Centre: 

·    Phone 0800 085 2219 

·    Text HMQ 80818 

·    Email 

·    Request a call back 


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