Short Breaks Fund for Unpaid Carers now live

The Programme is open for applications from 26th January 2024 with a deadline for submission of 5pm, 16th February 2024.

Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC), working in partnership with The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board and GVS, will be administering a second round of the Short Breaks Grant Fund for Unpaid Carers.

The Fund is to help deliver solutions in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to support the regional priority of reducing loneliness and social isolation.

The creation of the Short Breaks Scheme for Unpaid Carers is a key Welsh Government Programme for Government commitment and also supports the delivery of Priority 3 in the Strategy for Unpaid Carers:

The research importantly provides the following, coproduced definition of what constitutes a short break:

Any break, which strengthens and/or sustains informal caring relationships and enhances the wellbeing of carers and the people they support. This may be achieved through a service, an activity or an item.

 Aim of the Programme 

We want to hear from third sector organisations who can meaningfully reach a wide number of unpaid carers across Cardiff and the Vale.  

 What are the key priorities for the Fund? 

Proposals MUST demonstrate a need for revenue funding in alignment to the following criteria: 

  • They must be for preventative or innovative services or activities which improve the quality of life for unpaid carers.  

  • They must contribute to the reduction of social isolation and loneliness. 

 Applicants must use the application form provided and submit by the specified deadline. Application forms and associated supporting material can be submitted electronically to 

Applicants must use the application form provided and submit by the specified deadline. Please find the grant guidance and application form below:

Short breaks fund- Guidance 2023-24.docx

2024-01 UPC Small Grant Fund 2023.24 – Application Form.docx

Source: C3SC


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