Maternity Service Update: Change in Discharge Park Medication

As of the 1st July 2024, maternity services will no longer be providing paracetamol as a routine medication in a patient’s discharge pack.

The discharge pack, also known as the ‘To Take Home’ pack, is the pack provided to new parents containing any medications they may need following birth.

Paracetamol is commonly used for postnatal pain relief and fever management, and many people already have a personal supply of paracetamol at home. As a result, Maternity services have made the decision to stop providing paracetamol routinely in an effort to conserve resources and minimise waste.

Paracetamol is readily available and accessible in supermarkets and pharmacies, and patients are encouraged to have a supply at home in preparation for their discharge.

Please be reassured that all other medication will continue to be prescribed as normal. If patients have any concerns about this announcement, or they think they will have trouble sourcing Paracetamol, please speak your midwife.

For more information about maternity services, please visit


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