Mobility Buddy Volunteer

Helping people with combined sight and hearing loss

Deafblind UK support people who have combined sight and hearing loss.  We help them to live with their condition and to build their confidence and independence.

Many of our members have lost the confidence to leave the house alone but would love the opportunity to stretch their legs, explore their local areas or to learn new skills to use their local transport network.

We are looking for fit, active volunteers who can help our members get out locally, increase their fitness and give them the confidence they need to get back out and about in their community. People who are patient, friendly and who have conversation skills and a genuine interest in others.

If you're interested in a career in Health and Social Care, this is a great role to start in.  You'll have the chance to meet new people and learn new skills!

Do you need experience? No ….Simply a genuine desire to help and some spare time on a regular weekly basis.

You will need to be physically fit and able to walk distance. We will ensure you are supported throughout your journey with us. 

Does this sound like you? Yes …..well walk this way!

Time commitment:  Time commitment is negotiable with the organisation.
Expenses reimbursed:
Out of pocket expenses are reimbursed.
Training provided:
Full training is provided.
Selection procedure:
Informal discussion, application form completion,2 references and a disclosure and barring check (cost met by organisation).
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.


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