Prevention of Young Suicide Volunteer
PAPYRUS - Prevention of Young Suicide is looking for volunteers to help raise awareness of young suicide, the biggest killer of under 35s in the UK.
Volunteers aged 18+ will raise awareness of suicide prevention in their community and also deliver awareness raising sessions for local groups.
No formal qualifications required. Volunteers will be fully trained to deliver sessions to improve awareness, knowledge and understanding of suicide for professionals and others who come into contact with under 35s.
There is a stigma around talking about suicide and we want our volunteers to help smash that stigma across Wales.
Each participant will be given a resources pack to distribute within their own community and will be guided in activities such as running events that will promote the work of PAPYRUS and suicide awareness.
Time commitment: Hours are flexible and can fit around you.
Expenses reimbursed: Volunteering expenses are reimbursed.
Training provided: Full training is provided and mentoring will be given by a dedicated volunteer
Selection procedure: Informal discussion, application form completion,2 references and a disclosure and barring check (cost met by the organisation).
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.