Recruitment of Public Health Wales new Vice-Chairperson (Non-Executive Director)

The Minister for Health and Social Services is seeking to appoint a new Vice-Chairperson (Non-Executive Director), to join the Public Health Wales Board.

Public Health Wales plays an essential role in driving improvements in population health and well-being. Our goal is to reduce health inequalities, improve healthcare outcomes, protect the public and support the development of health across Wales.

This is an exciting time for the organisation as it sets about revising and implementing a new long-term strategy.

This opportunity will need someone that can use their specific and personal skills and experience to contribute to its vision of: Working to achieve a healthier future for Wales. 

Role information 

Appointment of Vice-chair (Non-Executive Director)

As Vice-Chairperson you will continue to work closely with our public, private and third sector stakeholders, developing key relationships as supported by the current Chairperson and other Board members. You will ensure that the views of service users and staff as well as other expert and interested partners are fully involved in helping to shape, develop and improve services.

The Vice-Chair is an equal partner on the Board with their Non-Executive and Executive colleagues and are required to play a full part in the governance of the organisation across all areas of its activity, both clinical and corporate.

Your contribution to the work of the Board, will be based upon your independence, experience, knowledge, and ability to stand back from the day-to-day operational management.

You will be expected to bring an independent judgment to the Board on issues of performance, key appointments, looking ahead and accountability.  As Vice-Chair you will also need to contribute to and will accept corporate responsibility for all decisions made by the Board, as do the Non-Executive Directors and the Executive Directors.

Further details about the role and how to apply can be viewed below and on the Welsh Government website.

About our Board

Public Health Wales Board is made up of our Chair is Jan Williams OBE and current Vice-chair is Kate Eden (Term ends March 2023), six Non-Executive Directors (also known as independent members) and five Executive Directors, including the Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer. View our website for more information on our Board and Executive Team - Public Health Wales.
Applying for Vice-Chair Role

Click to view the Vice-Chairperson candidate pack
Deadline for Applications: 14 November 2022

Interview date:  7 December 2022

For an informal discussion, please contact Helen Bushell, Board Secretary and Head of Board Business Unit: 07711 819665.


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