The Phoenix Way: Children and Youth Round

Transforming Grant Funding for Black and Racially Minoritised Organisations

The Phoenix Way (TPW) is a racial justice movement that aims to address the structural and systemic barriers and inequalities which Black and racially minoritised communities face in influencing and accessing funding in the UK. It was established in May 2021 by Black and racially minoritised led organisations. TPW will develop a pioneering model that can be replicated by others to ensure that communities facing poverty, exclusion and discrimination influence decisions that impact their lives. By putting communities in the lead, TPW seeks to ensure that no community is left behind.

The Phoenix Way is a national collaborative partnership, designed and led by Black and racially minoritised people and communities experiencing racial injustice. TPW partnership is built on the values of trust, consensus, challenge, generosity, nurture, equity, transparency and evolution.

Who can apply

Does my organisation have to be a registered charity to apply for a Children and Youth Round grant? No. Both registered and unregistered groups are eligible to apply.

What types of organisations are eligible for funding?
We can fund a wide range of groups, including unregistered voluntary or community organisations, registered charities, not-for-profit companies, Community Interest Companies (CIC), and Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO). We do not fund for-profit businesses, local offices, affiliates, or projects of large NGOs, governments, or intergovernmental organisations.

Can I apply for a Children and Youth Round grant if my organisation does not have a bank account?
Yes. You can apply even if your organisation does not have its own bank account. Another organisation that can hold funds on your behalf can serve as your fiscal sponsor.

Can an organisation that has been around for less than a year apply for this grant?
Yes. Any organisation that meets the eligibility criteria can apply, regardless of when it was established.

Am I eligible to apply for The Phoenix Way: Children and Youth Round?
To be eligible, your organisation must meet the following criteria:

  • Be led by representatives of Black and racially minoritised communities and work within Black and racially minoritised communities

  • Have an annual income of up to £150,000 per year

  • Be proposing a project that works with children and young people that are 18 or under

  • Be proposing a project that works with children and young people that are at high risk of becoming involved in violence 

How to apply

You can apply for funding by clicking on this link- We are using an application platform called Evalato and the application process will be supported by Global Fund for Children. We have created a video that explains how to use our application platform which you can watch on our YouTube channel.  

Useful links 


Wales HIV Testing Week: Early testing key to living healthy lives


Benefact Trust - Community Impact Grants