Volunteer as a YMCA’s (Y’s) Girls Mentor

What is a Y’s Girls Mentor?
The Y’s Girls mentoring programme matches trained volunteer mentors to young girls aged 9-14 years old to support them to be their best.

How does it work?
You will be put in touch with your local project co-ordinator who will tell you more about the Y’s Girls mentoring, as well as discuss your interests and availability.  You will then be matched with a young person as your mentee.

Over a 12-month timeframe, you will regularly meet with our young person and work together to identify achievable goals to focus on. These goals should empower the young person, building their resilience and enabling them to lead fulfilling lives.  As a mentor you can also hep the young person to access activities, services and try new things.

These sessions also offer an informal environment for the young person to discuss anything that might be worrying them, from family and personal relationships to lifestyle and education.

Time commitment:  A suggested weekly time commitment is a few hours, days and hours negotiable with your mentee.
Expenses reimbursed:
Out of pocket expenses are reimbursed.
Training provided:
You will be offered a full package of ongoing training and support for your personal and professional development to help you and the young person get the most out of the mentoring process.
Selection procedure:
Informal discussion, application form completion, 2 references and a disclosure and barring check (cost met by organisation).
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us using the form below.


New Training launched for the Third Sector and Partner Organisations


Luncheon Club/Kitchen Volunteer