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Meet the Funder - Community Foundation Wales
Free online Teams session with Community Foundation Wales - Tuesday the 2nd of February 1 - 2 pm
Vale of Glamorgan Community Hack events
These events will bring people together to develop fresh ideas to tackle the effects of the Cost of Living crisis and other social challenges.
Amser Programme 2023-25
Carers Trust is delighted to launch a new funding programme which will support unpaid carers living in Wales to access a short break from their caring role. Funded by Welsh Government, the new programme called Amser is open to Third Sector organisations and is focussed on delivering a range of short break opportunities for unpaid carers from all communities across Wales during 2023/24 and 2024/25. The deadline for submission of applications is: 10am Monday 6 February 2023
Grant funding available to support smart meter projects in 2023
Smart Energy GB in Communities Fund
Closing date: 12 noon, Friday 10th February 2023
Lloyds Bank Foundation - Specialist Programme
Our focus is to support small, local, specialist charities with a three-year unrestricted grant of £75,000. We’ll support charities that understand the complexity of the issues people face and are best placed to make a genuine difference to people’s lives.
The Jenour Foundation
Grants of up to £9000 made to registered charities (both UK and local) in the UK, with a preference for Wales.
Music for All - Community Project Funding
Music for All is dedicated to helping people of all ages and social backgrounds get involved in the amazing world of music making.
Leathersellers’ Fund Small Grants Programme
This is a fast track application process for small one-off grants. It could be particularly useful for funding small projects or to cover unexpected costs. The value of the grant awarded could be up to a maximum of £5,000.
Mary Homfray Charitable Trust
The Mary Homfray Charitable Trust offers grants of between £1000 and £5000 to a wide range of charitable causes.
The Allen Lane Foundation
The Allen Lane Foundation funds small registered charities, voluntary groups, and charitable organisations with grants of up to £15,000.
Boost Charitable Trust
Grants made to charities or non-profit making organisations with a focus on sport to give opportunities to those who wish to fulfill their sporting ambitions, at any level.
Money Saving Expert Charity Fund
Projects focused on building financial capability skills assisting groups who support children, youth, families, school-based work, migrants, lone-parents, victims and survivors of domestic abuse, family outreach services.
The Grassroots Movements Fund
This is a pilot to resource movements that are on the frontlines of social and environmental injustice, and who are striving for transformative change – a vision in which discrimination and domination in society no longer exist.
Masonic Charitable Foundation Hospice Grants
Supporting the provision of palliative and end of life care to people with low socioeconomic status in England and Wales with funding of up to £35,000.
Community Action Fund
The Community Action Fund exists to support grassroots campaigning and community organising in the UK. It will provide one-off grants between £2,500 and £20,000.
Amser Programme 2023-25
Carers Trust is delighted to launch a new funding programme which will support unpaid carers living in Wales to access a short break from their caring role.
Big Give - Green Match Fund
The Green Match Fund is designed specifically for charities working on environmental issues.
The Health and Social Care Innovation Fund
This Fund will focus on organisations working to provide innovative care services for vulnerable people and carers that improve their quality of life.
Community Fund Wales - Disability Fund
The Disability Fund will provide support to organisations and groups supporting people living with disabilities in Wales.
Third Sector Capital Fund 2023
The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board has allocated £100,000 funding from the Welsh Government’s Housing with Care Fund, to support third sector community services in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.