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Garfield Weston - Regular Grants
The Garfield Weston Foundation is a family founded grant-making Trust which has been supporting charities across the UK for 60 years.
Leeds Building Society Foundation Small Grants
Grants of up to £1000 for charities supporting those in need of a safe and secure home.
National Churches Trust - Large Grants
Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 towards the cost of major urgent structural repair projects costed at more than £80,000 for places of Christian worship.
The Joseph Rank Trust
The Trust awards capital grants for property schemes and 3-year grants for core costs.
Just Transition Fund
The fund will support the development of community renewable energy projects which benefit energy consumers in vulnerable situations.
Apply now for Volunteering Wales grants
The Volunteering Wales Main Grant scheme funds projects that support positive volunteering experience, tackle barriers to volunteering and have long-term impact on the community.
Grants for physical activity providers
Parkinsons UK is able to provide grants of up to £3,000 to support physical activity projects for people with Parkinson's all over the UK.
Rosa's Voices from the Frontline Fund
Grants of up to £10,000 to women’s and girls’ organisations to support campaigning and influencing work that enables women and girls to use their voice to achieve change.
Alec Dickson Trust
Up to £500 to support young people who aim to enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society.
B&Q Foundation
Providing grants for a wide range of charities who are looking for funding to improve or develop spaces that benefit their local communities.
Community Matters Fund (Fuel Poverty 2024) is now open for applications
This winter, National Grid Electricity Distribution has again teamed up with Localgiving to deliver grants to charitable organisations tackling fuel poverty in their communities.
Taith - Pathway 2 – Partnership and Strategic Collaboration
Pathway 2 funding supports educational innovation through Welsh-led international collaborative partnerships which address a specific issue or sector priority in Wales.
Comic Relief Organisational Growth Grant
Grants between £20,000 and £35,000 are available to voluntary organisations in Wales to help maximise their impact.
Sported - Cash4Clubs
Cash4Clubs is a small grants scheme set up in 2008 to support local sports clubs with funding of up to £2000.
Teacher Development Fund
We envision a more equitable school system where high-quality arts-based learning is a core part of all children’s education. We believe that arts-based teaching and learning can add value and help schools achieve their aspirations for pupils.
Branching Out Fund
This Grant fund supports schools, community groups and Tree Warden Networks to plant trees, hedges and orchards with funding between £250 and £2,500.
The Asda Foundation - Cost of Living Grant
Up to £2000 for groups that support vulnerable members of our society by providing them with the essentials, or simply providing a safe warm and welcoming space for those struggling to heat their homes during the winter.
Home Instead Charities Grants
Money raised from our dedicated network of Home Instead Offices and external supporters fund groups who support the mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing of ageing adults.
Road Safety Trust - Large Grants
For grants over £50,000 and up to £300,000, the Large Grants round opens on 26 September 2024. The theme for this round is ‘Inequalities in Road Safety’.
Weavers' Company Benevolent Fund
This fund’s principal aim is to support people in trouble, particularly young offenders and ex-offenders, as well as other disadvantaged young people.