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* Due to the volume of news we publish, we’re only able to display news items in English.
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'I live with cystic fibrosis and I'm training to row 3,200 miles across the Atlantic'
A patient with cystic fibrosis is aiming to become the first person with the rare disease to row across the Atlantic.
HEIW: Strategic nursing workforce plan
Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) are developing a strategic workforce plan to recruit, retrain, train and transform the nursing workforce in Wales by providing recommendations to action to meet the current and future demand.
Paediatric Service Redesign - Shaping Our Future Clinical Services
As the population of Cardiff and the Vale continues to grow, it becomes more important that the Health Board develops new models of care that are person centric and empower people to responsibly manage their own health.
Welsh Government response to latest NHS Wales performance data: March and April 2024
The Welsh Government has responded to the latest NHS performance data published today.
Bill introduced to remove private profit from the care of looked-after children
A bill to remove private profit from the care of looked-after children, part of the wider and radical transformation of children’s care in Wales, has been introduced today.
Disability Services Benefits and Grants Upskilling Sessions
The Disability Services Advocacy Team are here to support with raising awareness of the different Disability Services benefits and grants
Discovering NatureOld Castle and Ogmore Downs BioBlitz, St Brides Major
Saturday 25th May 2024 10am - 4pm
FREE walks, talks and hands-on wildlife recording
Join Butterfly Conservation for a day exploring and recording the nature around Old Castle and Ogmore Downs.
Nurse reflects on 'unforgettable' two-month placement in southern Africa
A nurse who spent two months with clinicians and patients in the southern African country of Lesotho has reflected on her "unforgettable" experience.
GVS launches the Third Sector Small Grants Scheme - Community Action
Applications are now open for 2024/25 Third Sector Small Grant Scheme – Community Action Fund. This scheme supports community action and volunteering to improve the local community, local environment and the health and wellbeing with grants of up to £3000. The deadline for submission of 12 noon on 21st June 2024.
Blood test in pregnancy means fewer anti-D injections required
Around 2,000 fewer women in Wales will need to have an anti-D injection during their pregnancy, thanks to a new cell-free fetal DNA testing programme being launched today.
New project aims to get more organic Welsh veg into primary school meals
An exciting new project has been launched that aims to get more organically-produced Welsh vegetables into primary school meals across Wales.
Renowned Cardiothoracic Surgeon Indu Deglurkar Honored by Learned Society of Wales
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is delighted to announce Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon Indu Deglurkar has been named a fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.
Applications to join Genomics Partnership Wales Patient and Public Sounding Board are now open for 2024
Would you like to be part of a community that’s helping to shape the future of health care in Wales? Applications to join Genomics Partnership Wales Patient and Public Sounding Board are now open for 2024!
Me Time - Online Support Sessions for Carers
For the sessions available in May 2024 & June 2024 please click here.
Deaf Awareness Week - It Does Matter Report
This Deaf Awareness Week, RNID is releasing new research, highlighting the negative attitudes and lack of understanding people who are deaf or have hearing loss face every day.
Study reveals mixed evidence on prehabilitation interventions for surgical waiting lists
A Public Health Wales study exploring prehabilitation interventions has identified that more research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness for improving patients’ health whilst waiting for surgery.
Public Health Wales unveils research priorities
Public Health Wales has announced that it will focus its research onto six priority areas, to coincide with the long term strategy and Research and Evaluation strategy it launched last year.
Public Health Wales welcomes five-year plan to combat antimicrobial resistance
Public health experts have welcomed the publication of a new five-year National Action Plan to combat antimicrobial resistance.
New Neurodevelopment Service website launches to support children, young people and their families
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has developed a new, user-friendly website to help children, young people and families gain a better understanding of the Neurodevelopmental Service.
Decarbonisation Action Plan: How we can all play our part in reducing the Health Board's carbon footprint
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is calling on all colleagues to play their part in reducing the organisation’s carbon footprint. NHS Wales has set the Health Board a target of achieving a 16% reduction in carbon emissions by 2025 and a 34% reduction by 2030.