Invitation to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

From the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT), regarding Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) on 27 January 2024.

Thousands of organisers took part in HMD last year by organising events, putting up displays and running activities. We would be honoured if your organisation would join us in marking HMD 2024. 

What is Holocaust Memorial Day? 

HMD is the international day on 27 January to remember the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of people murdered under Nazi persecution of other groups and during more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. It is a day for everyone when we seek to learn the lessons of the past and recognise that genocide does not just take place on its own – it’s a steady process which can begin if discrimination, racism and hatred are not checked and prevented.  

Easy Ways to Get Involved 

Light the Darkness Campaign: Illuminate your public buildings in purple as a visual commitment to remember and educate.

Resource Kit: Visit our resources page for downloadable materials like posters, educational toolkits, and social media graphics.

Community Events: Host a public or virtual event featuring testimonials, educational talks, or cultural performances. We can provide speaking notes and support. 

You can also mark the day in a variety of other ways, so please explore our website to find out more at and remember to let us know your plans. 

The Theme: Fragility of Freedom 

This year, the theme is "Fragility of Freedom," focusing on the precariousness of democratic values and human rights. Explore the theme more deeply here

Next Steps: Take Action Now 

Express Your Interest: Reply to this email to let us know you're on board or to ask any questions.

Resource Access: Visit for immediate access to materials.

Social Buzz: Use your social media channels to mark HMD 2024. Use the hashtag #HMD2024 to engage your community online.

Staff Briefing: We offer brief presentations to provide your team with context and educate them on the significance of HMD.

Share: Please pass this email on to your Communications team, your EDI team and any groups or networks you are working with. 

Additional Support 

We understand you're swamped with various initiatives. That's why we're committed to making your involvement as hassle-free as possible. Whether you need extra materials or a spokesperson for your event, just let us know. 

Concluding Thoughts 

By participating in HMD, we're not just remembering the past; we're actively shaping a better future. Your organisation’s leadership can be the spark that lights up an entire community, inspiring others to follow suit.

 Thank you for considering this vital initiative.  

We're eager to hear how you plan to get involved and stand ready to support you in any way we can. Remember to let us know your plans.


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