Looking to build confidence or gain new skills?

Volunteering is unique to every individual, whether it is to build confidence, gain experience, help others, improve health and wellbeing, enhance a CV or to meet new people; it can truly be a powerful tool. 

Research has identified a clear link between volunteering and good health, for both volunteers and health service users.  This can reduce stress, combat depression, keep people mentally stimulated and provide a sense of purpose.

Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) promotes volunteering opportunities, on behalf of our recruiting organisations across the Vale of Glamorgan.

There are a large range of volunteering opportunities available which include:

Befriending; Shopping for older people; Outdoor; DIY; Hospitals; Driving; Drugs and Addictions; Prisons; Trustees; Children and Families; Charity Shops; Community Safety; Mentoring; Campaigning; Social Media; Swim Support; Youth Work/Clubs; Counselling; Supporting - domestic abuse; victims of crime; mental health; Activities with Older People.   These are just a few categories, there are lots more available.

You can volunteer outdoors, within an organisation, within your community or even from home. 

Most organisations will reimburse travel expenses so that you are not out of pocket. 
You can volunteer whilst on benefits.

Organisations do not want all of your time; you can give as little as 1 hour, a few hours or a day each week.

Why not take the first step and contact us?  We can find an opportunity that is just right for you.

Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS), Tel: 01446 741706, E-mail: volunteering@gvs.wales, Website: www.gvs.wales  Registered Charity No. 1163193


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