Vale of Glamorgan Council Consultation – Annual Delivery Plan 2024-25 DEADLINE EXTENDED

The Council is consulting on its draft Annual Delivery Plan for 2024-25. The draft Annual Delivery Plan sets out the actions we will undertake in 2024-25 as part of the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan for 2020 – 25.  The Corporate Plan sets our priorities for a five year period whilst the draft Annual Delivery Plan details what we will take forward in 2024-25. This will be the final year of the current Corporate Plan. 

We want to hear from as many people as possible to ensure we have the right actions in our Annual Delivery Plan and that we are addressing the issues that matter most to people in the Vale of Glamorgan in the year ahead. The Plan has been drafted in what continues to be a challenging time and it is important that we consult on our proposals for 2024-25. We will also be taking account of a range of other consultation, engagement and information to inform the Plan, including consultation on the Council’s budget in January. 

Our four Well-being Objectives provide the framework for this Plan and we want to know if these are still the right objectives for the Council.

  1. To work with and for our communities

  2. To support learning, employment and sustainable economic growth

  3. To support people at home and in their community

  4. To respect, enhance and enjoy our environment

The three critical challenges we identified for 2023-24 remain relevant and we will need to ensure that our activities are helping us to meet these challenges in the coming year. The critical challenges are:   

  • Organisational Resilience (our finances, people and assets) – ensuring that we can continue to adapt in the face of adversity and provide our services despite the financial pressures and workforce challenges that we and many of our partners organisations face.

  • The Cost of Living Crisis – supporting our residents, local organisations and business in the face of rising costs in particular around energy, food and housing.

  • The Climate and Nature Emergencies  – responding to the climate and nature emergencies and delivering the commitments in our Climate Challenge Plan

Actions across all four of our Well-being Objectives will contribute to meeting these critical challenges which reflect the challenges in the current plan and the financial climate.  

The draft Plan has been developed in tandem with our budget proposals for 2024-25. We will be contacting you shortly to consult about the budget for 2024-25 which will help determine the scale and scope of the proposals detailed in the draft Annual Delivery Plan. 

This Annual Delivery Plan consultation will provide an opportunity for the public and people from a range of organisations and interests to tell us what they think about the planned actions for next year.  The findings of this survey will provide a further opportunity to ensure that residents, partners and other stakeholders have the opportunity to shape our plans for 2024-25.   

A copy of the draft Plan including an easy read version and our online survey can be found on the Council’s website. If you would prefer to email your comments instead of completing the survey, please send these to  The closing date for comments is the 21st January 2023.

Annual Delivery Plan 2024-25 | Participate Vale (


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