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Unpaid Carers “Short Breaks” Grant Scheme 2022/23

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board in partnership with Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC) and Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) have allocated £283,800 in total, to support unpaid carers with short breaks from their caring role. The Fund is administered by C3SC in partnership with GVS. The programme is open for applications from 20th February 2023 with a deadline for submission of 10th March 2023.

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Funding, Funding Opportunity Mark Stillman Funding, Funding Opportunity Mark Stillman

Free Virtual Funding Workshop for Local Charities in Vale of Glamorgan

Jane Hutt, MS for Vale of Glamorgan, will take part in a virtual funding workshop, with People’s Postcode Lottery, for local charities, volunteer organisations, and community groups in the area. The session will give good causes in Ms Hutt’s constituency advice on how they can apply for funds to make a difference in their community. 

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Amser Programme 2023-25

Carers Trust is delighted to launch a new funding programme which will support unpaid carers living in Wales to access a short break from their caring role. Funded by Welsh Government, the new programme called Amser is open to Third Sector organisations and is focussed on delivering a range of short break opportunities for unpaid carers from all communities across Wales during 2023/24 and 2024/25. The deadline for submission of applications is: 10am Monday 6 February 2023

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Funding Opportunity, Health and Wellbeing Terry Marshall Funding Opportunity, Health and Wellbeing Terry Marshall

cavamh Winter Wellbeing Small Grants Fund (Self Help groups and peer led community activities)

Deadline - 16th January

This Small Grants Fund is open to people living with emotional and mental health wellbeing issues or dementia (including carers), 18+, to enhance wellbeing through development of self-help groups and community peer led activities over the winter months 2022/23.

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