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Prosiect Ditectifs Deiet Dolffiniaid yn Derbyn Cyllid Rhwydweithiau Natur!
Mae’n bleser gan Ymddiriedolaeth Natur De a Gorllewin Cymru (YNDGC) gyhoeddi ei bod wedi cael cymorth ariannol gan Rownd 3 Cronfa Rhwydweithiau Natur (NNF) Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer prosiect unigryw - Ditectifs Deiet Dolffiniaid: Datgelu Deiet Dolffiniaid ac Ymgysylltu â Chymunedau ar gyfer Cadwraeth yn y DU.
Dolphin Diet Detectives Project Receives Nature Networks Funding!
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW) is delighted to announce that it has received funding support from the Welsh Government’s Nature Networks Fund Round 3 (NNF) for a unique project - Dolphin Diet Detectives: Unveiling Dolphin Diets and Engaging Communities for UK Conservation.
Bro Radio set to recognise the best of its local Community
As Bro Radio celebrates 15 years of serving the Vale of Glamorgan, the local radio station has announced that its bringing back its Community Awards to celebrate everything great about living, working and visiting the County it serves. Nominations for Bro Radio's Community Awards are open until 11:59pm on Friday 3rd May 2024.
Vale of Glamorgan Council are holding an event for unpaid carers
When: April 10th 2024
Where: Barry Memorial Hall. CF62 8NA – FREE parking available
Time: 10am and 6pm
Are You an Unpaid Carer, Caring for Someone in the Vale of Glamorgan?
25+ stalls providing information and advice to unpaid carers
Join the Movement: GetFit.Wales Needs Your Voice 🌟
We’re on a mission to bring GetFit.Wales project to your area, and we need your help to make it happen.
Final Round of Community Ownership Funding Open - Closing Soon!
This is the fourth and final chance to bid for this fund which lets communities apply for funding to take ownership of assets at risk of loss, including community centres, sports clubs, pubs, open space, or any other asset at risk of closure.
Vale of Glamorgan Council are holding an event for unpaid carers
When: April 10th 2024
Where: Barry Memorial Hall. CF62 8NA – FREE parking available
Time: 10am and 6pm
GVS’ Spring e-Vista and Sustainable Funding News is now available
Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) latest Spring editions of GVS’ e-Vista magazine and Sustainable Funding News are now available to download.
Are you using GVS’ discounted Printing and Design Service?
GVS’ Design Service extends to pull-up banners, PVC banners, magazines, leaflets, event programmes and lots more. GVS’ Printing Service continues to efficiently meet the needs of its service users. From April 2024, GVS has introduced a small price increase to the service along with a minimum printing charge of £10.00 per print job.
Parliamentary event held to celebrate the National Independent Lifeboat Association
A parliamentary event was held on Monday 4th March to celebrate the first anniversary of the formation of The National Independent Lifeboat Association (NILA), hosted by Founder and Honorary President Anthony Mangnall MP (Totnes & South Devon).
Polling station accessibility and walkthrough videos created to help all local communities
Local Councils have been working together to encourage electoral participation, particularly in under-represented groups. Part of this work has been to create videos to show what electors can expect at a polling station, and to hopefully make election day a more inclusive experience.
Cyfle gyda thâl i ddarganfod datrysiadau digidol i helpu'ch sefydliad trydydd sector
Mae ProMo Cymru yn falch iawn i gyhoeddi lansiad Rhaglen Cynllunio Gwasanaeth Digidol arloesol - siwrne chwe mis i rymuso a chwyldroi gwasanaethau pum sefydliad trydydd sector yng Nghymru.
Paid opportunity to find digital solutions to help your third sector organisation
ProMo Cymru is thrilled to announce the launch of a ground-breaking Digital Service Design Programme – a six-month journey to empower and revolutionise the services of five third-sector organisations in Wales.
Accepting, refusing and returning donations to your charity
Legal rules for trustees when deciding whether to accept, refuse or return a donation.
Vale 50+ Forum ‘Have Your Say’ event at YMCA Barry
The Vale 50+ Forum are hosting their first ‘Have Your Say’ social event of the year on Thursday 21st March from 2-4pm at YMCA Barry, and everyone is invited.
Join a new networking group to promote community activity in Barry
GVS and the Vale of Glamorgan Council are involved in the development of a new networking group to promote and raise awareness of community activity taking place in Barry.
Important Baby Basics information
This e-mail is to inform you that as of the 5th of April, I am standing down as Coordinator for Vale Baby Basics after seven and a half years. We are currently looking for a replacement, via the Trustees at Coastlands and with support from Baby Basics UK.
FREE home energy efficiency upgrades are available to eligible households through the ECO scheme
The Government-backed Energy Company Obligation (ECO) aims to help eligible households install energy efficiency solutions at no cost to you(1) thereby reducing energy bills and improving the warmth of residents’ homes.
Consultation to renew existing Public Space Protection Orders
In March 2021 the Vale of Glamorgan Council introduced Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) regarding dog fouling and controlled alcohol zones to several public open spaces. The purpose of a PSPO is to restrict persistent anti-social behaviour in public spaces.