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* Due to the volume of news we publish, we’re only able to display news items in English.
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ESSENTIAL TRAINING - An Introduction to Data Protection (including GDPR)
A workshop to help you with key information about the basics of Data Protection since our departure from the EU and the Transition Period.
Archebwch le yng Nghyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol GVS ar-lein i glywed am ein cyflawniadau, gwrando ar siaradwyr uchel eu proffil ac i'n cefnogi ni!
Cynhelir Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol GVS eleni ar-lein ddydd Mercher 3 Tachwedd rhwng 10am a hanner dydd. Ymhlith ein siaradwyr a fydd yn cyflwyno mae Jane Hutt AS, y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol a Debra Allcock Tyler, awdur a Phrif Weithredwr y Directory of Social Change.
Book GVS’ AGM online to hear our achievements, listen to high profile speakers and support us!
This year's GVS Annual General Meeting will be held online on Wednesday 3rd November from 10am – 12 noon. Our confirmed speakers include Jane Hutt MS, Minister for Social Justice and Debra Allcock Tyler, author and Chief Executive of the Directory of Social Change.
Trusted charity quality mark moves to new supplier
This is an update on the arrangements for the Trusted Charity quality standard which has now been transferred to a new provider, The Growth Company.
The Charities Bill – five key changes to charity law
The Charity Commission has published a blog on 5 key changes to charity law that should ease some of the regulatory pressures on trustees and reduce unnecessary bureaucracy.
Association of Chairs report on Chairing through COVID
The Association of Chairs has published a research report which contains useful insights into the experiences of charity chairs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
New Online Resource to support the Trustee Recruitment Cycle
A new online resource supports boards to recruit trustees in an effective inclusive way. Trustee boards and management committees will find this a useful resource to support better trustee recruitment.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for the charity sector
The Charity Commission has updated its COVID-19 guidance for charities, including changes to filing extensions for annual returns, and updates to guidance on charity meetings and insolvency provisions.
The 2021 charity annual return service is now available
Charities registered in England or Wales must send an annual return to the Charity Commission or report their income and spending every year.
Time to reset and maximise our opportunity – life after EU funding
This session aims to bring people from the voluntary sector together to discuss how we can maximise our opportunities in the post-Brexit funding landscape.
New Online Resource to support the Trustee Recruitment Cycle
This free online resource supports boards to recruit trustees in an effective and inclusive way.
Association of Chairs report on Chairing through COVID
The Association of Chairs has published a research report which contains useful insights into the experiences of charity chairs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
GVS and C3SC Banking Survey
GVS and C3SC are carrying out a Banking Survey to collect some information about the impact of COVID and the move to online banking on their member organisations.
Being a Trustee - The Essentials Training
Training on the essentials of being a trustee will take place on the 14th of July.