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Volunteering, Volunteering Opportunity, GVS Mark Stillman Volunteering, Volunteering Opportunity, GVS Mark Stillman

Volunteering Wales connects volunteers and organisations the easy way

The new and improved Volunteering Wales website is a simple, effective and completely free way for organisations to recruit and manage volunteers. Managed by TSSW (Third Sector Support Wales), Volunteering Wales links volunteers with the voluntary organisations that need them, and it couldn’t be simpler to take advantage of it.

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Volunteering, Volunteering Opportunity Mark Stillman Volunteering, Volunteering Opportunity Mark Stillman

Dewch o hyd i gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli sy’n addas i chi gyda Gwirfoddoli Cymru

Eisiau gwirfoddoli ond ddim yn siŵr ble i ddechrau? Gall Gwirfoddoli Cymru eich cysylltu chi â’r mudiadau sydd eich angen.
Mae Gwirfoddoli Cymru am ddim i bawb ei defnyddio, ac mae cannoedd o fudiadau eisoes yn ei defnyddio i hysbysebu eu cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli, a gallai cofrestru ddim bod yn haws.

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