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General News Mark Stillman General News Mark Stillman

Neighbourhood Watch in the Vale of Glamorgan

The Vale of Glamorgan Neighbourhood Watch Association held its Annual General Meeting in the Council Offices in Barry on October 16th. Graham Sillett from Barry was elected as Chair, Jane Wattleworth from Penarth was elected as Vice-Chair and Dr. David Ellis from Llantwit Major was elected as Treasurer.

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General News Mark Stillman General News Mark Stillman

Replacement Local Development Plan (2021 – 2036) - Pre-Deposit Public Consultation - Preferred Strategy

The consultation period runs for 10 weeks between Wednesday 6th December 2023 and Wednesday 14th February 2024. The closing date for the submission of comments is 23:59 on Wednesday 14th February 2024. The Council will also be holding a series of on-line and in person engagement sessions at which information on the Preferred Strategy and how to make comments will be available.

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General News Mark Stillman General News Mark Stillman

SKETCH - Llantwit Major Creatives

Sketch Magazine started life as a newsletter for members of the Llantwit Major Art and Craft Group. It had a particularly important role during the Pandemic helping to prevent social isolation by keeping  members connected through the lockdown.

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General News Mark Stillman General News Mark Stillman

Vale of Glamorgan Santa's Cause

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is currently running its annual Santa’s Cause campaign. Christmas should be a time of happiness and celebration. Sadly, for many families in the Vale of Glamorgan it can be one of great stress, anxiety, and sadness.

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General News Mark Stillman General News Mark Stillman

Love the Vale - 15th November 2023

If you didn't hear about Love the Vale Day in 2023, it’s our new annual event at Bro Radio where we hand over the entire radio station to our community. Submissions are required no later than 5pm on Tuesday 14th November 2023.

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General News Mark Stillman General News Mark Stillman

Welcome to South Wales Listens

South Wales Listens gives you the opportunity to tell your local neighbourhood police team about the issues that matter most to you, as well as taking part in surveys that will enable us to better understand concerns in your community. We'd really like to hear from you so why not ask your family, friends, and colleagues to register too? Registration is completely free, quick, and simple. 

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